Boating Industry Forecast

Learn how the U.S. recreational boating industry creates jobs, how many people went boating last year, whats the #1 boating activity and more in this Boating Industry Forecast created by Sea Shield Marine, all information provided by the National Marine Manufacturers Association – 2013 Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract.

We’ve all experienced losses from the 2008-2009 downturn, but it’s great to be a part of a resilient industry that’s built on passion and brings so many people joy, and we’re really thrilled to see that there’s a positive outlook! Thank you to everyone involved in the boating industry, especially the boaters, for an amazing year. Here’s looking forward to a bigger 2015! A big thanks to the NMMA for working hard on putting this info together.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and outlook for the upcoming year. Please like, comment, and share . . .


  • We have remained strong throughout 2014 thus far and are projecting an amazing 2015, keep on boating! Marina Shipyard in Long Beach is currently running an amazing Special FREE haul out with a 2 coat bottom paint job PLUS 20% off the paint materials thru Dec 31st. (562) 594-0995

    • Sea Shield Marine says:

      Congratulations Cyndee! We’re thrilled to see you guys doing awesome. Cheers to your success in the upcoming year!

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